Until November 28, the 29 editions of Think Plastic Together will remain available to all audiences. The videos of the webinars will later be accessible only to Think Plastic Brazil attendants through a password
The action is a celebration of the 30th edition of the event, and videos have been available since November 9 through the VIMEO platform.
The workshops covered issues related to the new configuration of global commerce, from the need to enter the universe of e-commerce, through economic/accounting issues, to new configurations of virtual relationships. They will be made available according to the categories: Commercial Promotion & Image; Business Development in internationalization and Innovation; and Design and Sustainability for internationalization. The complete list of webinars and the registration form are available at http://vpo.com.br/IThink_Plastic_Together.
About Think Plastic Together
Think Plastic Together was one of the actions coordinated by the Think Plastic Brazil Crisis Management Working Group (Crisis WG), established and managed by Carlos Moreira – responsible for the Strategies and Project Planning of the Internationalization Program to manage the moment and observe post-COVID-19 trends and needs. The action of the Crisis WG is guided by a new market research, carried out with the industries of the processed plastics sector to accompany the economic and productive situation, providing a direction for businesses. These consolidated indicators, when compared with those of the industries, allow for a reflection on the decisions to be taken.