With the change in the format of Think Plastic Together, the International Trend Guide, exclusive material for the participants in Think Plastic Brazil, will also undergo changes and will now be a part of the Think Plastic Brazil Monthly Newsletter. In the October 2020 issue, we addressed the following topics: “Em busca da inovação perdida na embalagem – Design x Tecnologia” (Seeking the innovation lost in the packaging – Design x Technology), by Lincoln Seragini and Como utilizar as mídias sociais para promover o setor do plástico: as ferramentas do YouTube e Instagram (How to use social media to promote the plastic sector: the YouTube and Instagram tools, by Elias Augusto Soares. The material also includes an exclusive article by Carlos Moreira, Estratégia e Planejamento de Projetos do Think Plastic Brazil (Think Plastic Brazil Project Planning and Strategy).